Andy's Blog

A handful of ramblings...

Seems I am always working on something - home improvement, home automation, personal growth, etc. This area is a listing of active and completed projects that I am blogging about. 

My goal for this is share my experiences so that if someone else is interesting in doing something similar, they may be able to benefit from what I've learned. Most...

Seems I am always working on something - home improvement, home automation, personal growth, etc. This area is a listing of active and completed projects that I am blogging about. 

My goal for this is share my experiences so that if someone else is interesting in doing something similar, they may be able to benefit from what I've learned. Most of these articles will be just that, something I learned through trial and error or a tidbit that may make someone else's search a little easier.

I hope this is useful to you as a visitor. If you have any questions about any of the projects I am working on or finished, please Contact Me.


Weather Station Project

Weather Station Project


I've always wanted to build a weather station. I have an interest in weather science but, for me a weather station is all of the stuff I like about electronics - real world use of remote sensing that can be used for practical stuff. From home automation to gardening to knowing what's in the air, local weather and environmental sensing can be used to make subtle cumulative changes that add up to better health and lower bills.

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Active Project

  •   Saturday, 02 January 2016
  5442 Hits

Robotic Arm Project V2


I am working on an upgrade of my Robotic Arm Project that has managed to survive two years worth of kid interactions over the course of many different events. To say I am surprised at its longevity is an understatement.

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Active Project

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  5770 Hits

Lapcade V1

Lapcade V1

I'm not much of a gamer. When I was a kid, I had a space invaders handheld game, a Coleco Telstar Colortron, and a Tandy Color Computer 2. Although the COCO2 had program cartridges, most of the games I played on it were typed in from a game code book my parents gave me with the computer. That may sound like I must have been motivated to play the games (to spend all that time typing them in) but in reality, I was more interested in seeing how they worked than I was in playing them. 

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  12556 Hits

Robotic Arm Software Upgrade

Robotic Arm Software Upgrade

After several months on the to-do list, I finally cleaned up the Robotic Arm Project code a bit to improve my robotic arm's functionality and performance.

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  6383 Hits

Robotic Arm Project

Robotic Arm Project

A few months ago a fellow member of MTRAS posted on our Facebook page a link to a robotic arm project. The article poster / builder used a design that was previously posted as open source to I took a look and thought that it would make a fun project that would be simple enough to follow but also challenging enough to be rewarding. So I decided to give it a shot.

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  25314 Hits

New Project - Voice Controlled Home

Mr. IncredibleJay Napier is Mr. IncredibleIt is so easy to take everything for granted. Let's take for example, turning on the TV. Next to none of us give this simple task a second thought. I have had days when I came home from work so distracted that, after a few minutes of scurrying around the house, wondered if it was actually me that turned on the TV.

When you enter a room, do you make much of a mental exercise out of turning on the light? I don't. It is like breathing, I just do it. What about turning on a fan or changing the thermostat if you're too hot or cold. All of this is pretty simple stuff and most of us don't give it a second thought - that is, until you can't do it anymore.

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  8875 Hits