Andy's Blog

A handful of ramblings...

Home Automation - Year 4


I'm really terrible at this whole blogging thing. 😕

Anyway, a lot and a little has been going on since my last home automation project overview. I have been really busy with odds and ends over the last year and a half although, only a little has been spent in any meaningful additions to my sub projects - save one!

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  3435 Hits

How a faulty washer may have saved our lives


Have you ever had one seemingly trivial issue open up a torrent of "opportunity" and possibly may have saved your life? I believe we may have.

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My Home Automation Project - 2 Years In


So, I have two years of projects and ideas behind me. With all of the fits and starts, labored undertakings and successes and failures, what does the next year hold?

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  11098 Hits

Planning for your new Smart Home build


So, you're building a new home and want it to be ready for the Smart Home Revolution. Well, not to burst your bubble but, it won't be - not entirely. Until there are standards in place for that future home, you'll just have to make your home as standardized as is currently possible and probable.

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  6119 Hits

Using Facebook as a Forum


I'm back on Facebook.
Now, before you get that look on your face, let me also note that I'm a FB Ghost. My profile only contains the items that are required to register and I have zero friends. I turned off all of the available settings to find me and it isn't possible to send me a friend request. So, now that look on your face probably looks puzzled. Let me explain.

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Moes 3-way smart switch in a 4-way configuration - YouTube

I'm testing the Moes 3-way switch at the power end of a 4-way configuration. It does seem to work but I'm getting an unexpected leak voltage on the load when the circuit is off. Travis at DigiBlurDIY, confirmed that he was seeing similar low load results. It does appear that this is expected behavior and that a higher current load will drive the leaking voltage down.
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  3070 Hits

[Update: resolved, API reinstated and commitment to keep it around] Logitech Harmony removes local API - Home Assistant

If you think that the cloud powered device that you bought really belongs to you, then you might want to check this out.

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  3212 Hits

UPDATED: Why I'm Done Giving Social Media my Time


Ok, this one is short and simple. Later Facebook and Twitter! So long and thanks for all the fish!

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  4804 Hits

The Language of IoT

IoT and other Alphabet Soup

Internet of Things, Zigbee, Z-Wave, X10, MQTT, nodes, pairing! What is all of this? In this article, I'm going to go over the common language of home automation and try to help you make sense of all of these terms and concepts. *NOTE* this article is alive and will change as time goes by.

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  11076 Hits

Anet A8 Notes and General 3D Printing Links


Since buying my printer early last year, I've had a lot of questions about it, like 'where to get one', 'how good is it compared to others' and 'what kind of prints can I get out of it'. What follows comes from numerous emails and private messages with folks over the last year and a half. This document will change as I find new useful info. 

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  29730 Hits

Choosing a Home Automation Hub - How Hard Could it Be?


As I mentioned in the introduction article of this series, there isn't a standard yet for smart home devices to talk to each other. However, the advertising and hype sure makes smart homes look like an easy care free way of life. Well, it isn't. If someone is telling you it is, beware! Snake oil will soon follow!

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  6153 Hits